On an internet known for plenty of spam and pale ink, Porkopolis.org remains a noble mainstay and faithful guardian of the appreciation of this Republic’s, and indeed the world’s, pandemonius plethora of pigs.
Porkopolis.org stands as part of a brother and sisterhood of swineherds and scholars; pig pundits and porktologists; bourgeois pigs, breeders and bacon laureates; pigmatists and pigamists who all refute the sentiment “of any pork in a storm.”
Instead, we hail the great intelligence, amenable disposition, self-reliance and down right savoriness of the pig. Swinedom is to be admired for the beauty and grace of their hogritude – the mystical essence and condition of being an actual hog – as well as their delicious taste.
‘Nuf said, save this:
I’ll tell you a story that happened long ago,
When the English came to America, I s’pose you all know,
They could’nt whip the Yankees, I’ll tell you the reason why,’
Uncle Sam made ’em sing Root, Hog, or Die.– from “Root, Hog, or Die” an anonymous U.S. patriotic music broadside published before the Civil War.