Blue Beanie Day 2009

Blue Beanie Day 2009

I’m not just tarting up the pig, a hefty collection of pig facts and cultural observations are amassing here. The web standards side of things is more of a challenge to myself to look deeper into the code behind this site, just as the site looks deeper look into the relationships between pigs and humans.



William E. “Bill” Schultz – appreciated by everyone who worked or played with him.

Geocities Closes

GeoCities Closes

In 1995 I became a Geocities homesteader. Pigs had been on my mind already for many years. And, because “pig” was probably the first word I typed into the first search engine I ever used, I knew pigs were under represented on the web. I was inspired to do something about that. My mission was clear and the concept of “Porkopolis” was born.



Last week, I helped a dear friend commit government-sanctioned assisted suicide. My friend could keenly feel the demolition that age and time works upon us. He understood and accepted the destiny fated to all people and things in a disposable society. He went quietly, with honor and a grace that belied the full-throttled energy with which he had shared his life with me.