A Trespass of Swine

the Porkopolis blog

Considerations of humanity and hogritude, because an insufficiency of pigs is one of the great faults of all that the gods have made manifest to man.

Snow pigs

Snow Angel Pig

As the snow continues to fall across the usual and the unusual places in the US this winter, the pigs around Porkopolis.org remain in good spirits. We see them feeding regularly from their cold trough…

Football is the pig

football is the pig

The essence of football is the skin of some nameless and flightless pig. For in the same way that a crow can fly over a cornfield, air can sail 70 yards or more in the inflated skin of a pig.

Pig of spirit

pig of spirit

“No pig of spirit will bound his life By the fence on his master’s farm.” – Freddy the Pig by Walter R. Brooks.

Swinish multitude

swinish multitude

We want to think our lives are fundamentally good; but how do we know when we’re merely part of the swinish multitude? Can’t we be a bit swinish if…

A random image of a pig, hog, boar or swine from the collection at Porkopolis.