A Trespass of Swine

the Porkopolis blog

Considerations of humanity and hogritude, because an insufficiency of pigs is one of the great faults of all that the gods have made manifest to man.

Gluttony and ambition

Gluttony and ambition

Where are the penitents today, in a world replete with gluttony and the exaltation of ambition? Is it only our perspective that has changed, or are the purging flames but embers?

Appetite and the social contract

Appetite and the social contract

A pig ignites a smile, but is it a smile of appreciation for the wonder of all living things or that of an expectant appetite, eating the pig in anticipation.

Gypsy pig parts

Gypsy pig parts

It is human nature to forever seek comforting illusions that suggest the exacting evils surrounding us are yet susceptible to human control.

Root hog

Root hog

We strive, we achieve, we fail, and death is somewhere in that mix. Rely on yourself. Disregard the swinish multitudes. Root hog, or die.

God’s opinion of the pig

God's opinion of the pig

God’s opinion of the pig, and other matters, has revealed innumerable vital truths; but collectively, as humans, we can not agree for certain exactly what they are.

A random image of a pig, hog, boar or swine from the collection at Porkopolis.