Geocities Closes

GeoCities Closes

In 1995 I became a Geocities homesteader. Pigs had been on my mind already for many years. And, because “pig” was probably the first word I typed into the first search engine I ever used, I knew pigs were under represented on the web. I was inspired to do something about that. My mission was clear and the concept of “Porkopolis” was born.

Vitruvian Swine and Flying Pigs – Redux

Vitruvian Swine and Flying Pigs – Redux

The image of the Vitruvian Swine idled in my imagination for several years before it debuted on I have since discovered that many other folk have independently arrived at a similar conception of da Vinci and the swine. None of these have appealed to my inner oinkeological nature so much as the swine at Matt Buck’s Hack web site.

FeedBurner Barbecue

FeedBurner Barbecue

Porkopolis now has RSS feeds handled by FeedBurner. The pit boss here manages the on-site aspects with the WordPress plugin FeedSmith.

Belated Blue Beanie Day

Belated Blue Beanie Day

Yesterday was National Pig Day.’s coding difficulties have been [fingers crossed] corrected. The Porkopolis blog is now free foraging and open for examination and comments. So I have placed my Blue Beanie Day image here, and await Blue Beanie Day #3 in November 2009.