May your holiday be piggin’ perfect!
Wishing you the enjoyment of family and friends this Holiday Season, and joy and wonder in the New Year.
Discussions on the symbolic and literal use of pigs in areas such as fashion, ornamentation and utilitarian objects, as well as design, art, advertising and fashion.
Wishing you the enjoyment of family and friends this Holiday Season, and joy and wonder in the New Year.
‘Tis said of old that the surname “Porco” and its variations, which means “pig” in modern Italian, was not derived from an occupational name. Rather, this surname was adopted by some who belonged to a fervent apostolic sect…
As a child’s gift, a pig bank is not an intrinsic teacher. We can not hope the gift alone will instill the will to save. The days enticements can out weigh faith in any teasing future. Devious daily distractions await adult savers, too. Their pig banks readily transform, almost unnoticed, into many unintended designs. Perhaps we are all somewhat lacking in thrift.
The Expositor; or Many Mysteries Unravelled by Wm F. Pinchbeck was one of the first works on magic published in the United States. Published in 1805, it was the first book length expose of conjuring tricks written by a professional magician. It provided readers with explanations and printed instructions for the creation and performance of many marvels including how to create a Learned Pig.
Piggy banks have a powerful force that holds our financial assets tightly to their hearts. The smiling little pig banks look at us as if saying, “do you really want to do this?” when we approach them for some legal tenderness.