Discussions on the symbolic and literal use of pigs in areas such as fashion, ornamentation and utilitarian objects, as well as design, art, advertising and fashion.
Cloudspotting Pigs
So I’m headed out into this warm July afternoon to indulge in a life-affirming pastime and hoping to find out for certain… If a swineherder goes cloudspotting, what might he see?
Hog Haute Couture for After the Snoutbreak
Subvert your fear of the H1N1 Snoutbreak. Clothe yourself in fashionable armor that announces your indifference. Socio-industrial collapse? Baaah!
Obamicon Oink
Give in to self-gratification. Be a mettlesome member of popular culture. Use Obamicon.Me to create an influential and iconic image of you or your cause.
Vitruvian Swine and Flying Pigs – Redux
The image of the Vitruvian Swine idled in my imagination for several years before it debuted on I have since discovered that many other folk have independently arrived at a similar conception of da Vinci and the swine. None of these have appealed to my inner oinkeological nature so much as the swine at Matt Buck’s Hack web site.