Discussion of interesting facts about or instances of pig-human interaction that just can’t help but give rise to an opinion.
Blue Beanie Day 2009
I’m not just tarting up the pig, a hefty collection of pig facts and cultural observations are amassing here. The web standards side of things is more of a challenge to myself to look deeper into the code behind this site, just as the site looks deeper look into the relationships between pigs and humans.
Geocities Closes
In 1995 I became a Geocities homesteader. Pigs had been on my mind already for many years. And, because “pig” was probably the first word I typed into the first search engine I ever used, I knew pigs were under represented on the web. I was inspired to do something about that. My mission was clear and the concept of “Porkopolis” was born.
Cloudspotting Pigs
So I’m headed out into this warm July afternoon to indulge in a life-affirming pastime and hoping to find out for certain… If a swineherder goes cloudspotting, what might he see?
Obamicon Oink
Give in to self-gratification. Be a mettlesome member of popular culture. Use Obamicon.Me to create an influential and iconic image of you or your cause.