Germany, (c.1480-1526) Saint Anthony with a leper (c. 1517), woodcut U.S.National Library of Medicinefrom: A Fieldbook of Wound Surgery by Hans Von Gersdorff (1517) Editor’s Note: In this woodcut St. Anthony stands reading from a book as a young man, possibly a leper, with a crutch and a pegged leg support, is appealing to him … Read more
Michael Wolgemut, Germany, (1434-1519) – Odysseus and Circe (1493), woodcut, hand colored, an illustration from: The Nuremberg Chronicles. Anton Koberger (1493).
James (Jamie) Wyeth, United States, (b.1946), works include: Portrait of Pig, Night Pigs, Baby Jane in Summer and Winter Pig. Jamie Wyeth is a third-generation American artist: son of Andrew Wyeth and the grandson of N.C. Wyeth. Jamie Wyeth is the artistic heir to the Brandywine School Tradition – a group of painters who worked in rural areas portraying people, animals, and landscape.
N. C. Wyeth, United States, (1882-1945) – art works include: Circe and the Swine, The Boar Hunt, Eumaeus, the Swineherd, Portrait of a Farmer, Chadds Ford landscape with white barn, Medieval Procession, with Boar’s Head Platter. Newell Convers Wyeth, known as N.C. Wyeth, was a US realist painter and illustrator.
Taddeo Zuccari, Italy (1529-1566), works include: Circe seated. Zuccari was a draftsamn, painter and fresco craftsman of Roman mannerist school, best known for his frescoes painted in and near Rome.
Spain, (1598-1664) St. Anthony Abbot (c. 1630’s), oil on canvas Palazzo Pitti, Galleria Palatina; Florence, Italy Editor’s Note: Unfortunately, St. Anthony’s companion pig, peeking out from behind his right foot, is very dark and difficult to see clearly. He really is there, and this b/w close up below is my best attempt to make the … Read more