Mulholland, Diane

Australia / England, (contemporary)

Spring and the Pig Mother

  1. You may catch sight of her
  2. early in the year, when the moon
  3. is a bright slit
  4. no thicker than a new-born’s tail.
  5. She will be standing with arms lifted,
  6. pale and still as a ghost gum against the sky.
  8. For a bare hour
  9. she wraps the night around her
  10. and conducts it like a sea.
  11. A curl of her hand starts currents
  12. that draw the breaths
  13. out of all the creatures on the farm
  15. and sends them back, charged and fertile.
  16. The crops in the fields fatten,
  17. even the worms
  18. and crawling insects feel
  19. a new sharpness and scurry
  20. more boldly about their business.
  22. When it’s done, she stoops and shuffles
  23. back into the heavy skin.
  24. Rolling belly-up
  25. she invites them all to come to her.
  26. In the dark she takes
  27. their hundred sucking mouths.

© Diane Mulholland. from her personal web site:

About the Poet:

Diane Mulholland, Australia / England, (contemporary), is a poet. She was born in rural Australia and now lives in London, where she can often be found beside the Thames. Mulholland recently completed an MA in Creative Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Her work has appeared widely in journals in the UK and Australia, including most recently Under the Radar, Long Poem Magazine, The Tangerine, The Manchester Review, Finished Creatures, Not Very Quiet, Long Poem Magazine and others. [DES-01/22]

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