Allendorf, Greg

United States, (b. 1986)

The Pigs

  1. piss the petals off the mallows in the meadow;
  2. They take the garden as their wallow.
  3. They disappear in the silo’s shadow. They glower,
  5. their faces silver platters in the moon’s
  6. uneasy amnesty. They shiver
  7. in pleasure as rare earth slicks their trotters.
  9. Their flesh is as readily frozen as water.
  10. They gleam in their argyric fullness
  11. and pose for the picture.
  13. They’re made to nose the earth for truffles
  14. to be served to a banker. Their asses
  16. sag like widow’s weeds.
  18. Bad omens each, their eyelashes beat fastest
  20. and hearts flutter loudest in foretaste of carnage.
  21. Their shrieks strike cold night air like baby’s breath:
  22. sharp, white, brittle, unstoppable flowers.

© Gregory Allendorf. Bottle Fly: Poems. A Dissertation presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School at the University of Missouri-Columbia (2019).

About the Poet:

Greg Ryan Allendorf, United States, (b. 1986), is a poet and educator. Allendorf received his Doctor of Philosophy from University of Missouri where he now works part-time as an Adjunct Faculty member and also in Library Research & Info Services.

His chapbook, Fair Day in an Ancient Town, was selected by Kiki Petrosino for the Mineral Point Chapbook series from Brain Mill Press (official release February 2016). Allendorf’s poems have been published in Chicago Quarterly Review, Gigantic Sequins, and Memorious: A Journal of New Verse and Fiction. [DES-01/22]

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